1. | Keep wax spacer in custom tray when border molding. |
2. | Check retention of the border molded tray then remove the wax spacer and make final impression with medium bodied material. It is important to fill the mylohyoid and retromylohyoid fossa areas and cover the retromolar pad! |
3. | Good final impression has border detail and filling of all vestibules. Critical areas are the sublingual areas, retromolar pad coverage and be careful not to overextend past the external oblique ridge. |
1. | Custom tray with wax spacer still in place. |
2. | Border mold with material of choice including the posterior palatal seal. |
3. | Remove wax spacer, place vent holes over flabby anterior ridge tissue or firm tissue like the mid palatal raphe and tuberosities. |
1. | Make sure tissue is covered and tuberosities are captured. |
2. | Trim impression straight across from hamular notch to hamular notch. |